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SMS Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_google_trends gtrend_query=”SMS marketing, Email marketing” graph_type=”GEO_TABLE_0_0″][vc_column_text]

SMS ile pazarlama yazımıza hoş geldiniz. Bu yazımızda SMS ile pazarlama ve e-posta ile pazarlama karşılaştırmalarını göreceksiniz. Ayrıca bazı metriklerden ve dikkat etmeniz gereken noktalardan bahsedeceğiz.  Yerel işletmelerin sadece % 12’si SMS ile pazarlama yöntemini kullanıyor. Halbuki, kullanıcıların % 98’i gelen mesajları açmakta. Bu durumda SMS Pazarlama geri plana atılmaması gereken büyük bir pazarlama avantajı.

Şimdi sizlere SMS ile pazarlamada ki önemli noktaları ve sırları anlatacağız.

Mesajlar genelde 160 karakter uzunluğunda olmalı.

Bunları biliyormuydunuz?


  • Open rate of emails: 18
  • Conversion rate of emails per click: 2.6
  • Open rate per click: 14.1

Öbür tarafta mesaj metinlerinin açılma oranı ise; % 98 ve mesajların % 95’i ilk 3 dakika içinde açılmakta.

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SMS Pazarlama ile İlgili Bazı Metrikler

  • Written texts have a 209% higher response rate than phone, email or Facebook
  • 65.6% of customers understand that text messages make local businesses safer
  • Consumers prefer text messaging to other communication methods by almost 2 times (1.8x).
  • 40.5% of consumers prefer to work with the other agency because they prefer text messaging.
  • 75% of consumers find no problem with SMS messaging after agreeing to it
  • Coupons sent via SMS are used 10 times more than those sent via other methods.



However, it is a fact that SMS used in SMS marketing should be used by businesses in a very ethical way, as it provides a closer communication. It should not be thrown during sleep, evening, dinner, etc.

Here’s what to keep in mind when marketing with SMS

  • From each message recipient, it must be clear that you are sending with their permission. (One Signal Push notifications software allows you to get such permission).
  • Put your business name in the message
  • Inform your customers about messaging charges.
  • Tell us about the total number of messages you will send per month.
  • Inform them that they can opt out of future messaging.

I’ll leave this blog post here, which is based on the e-book of Search Engine Journal magazine. We would like to thank Search Engine Journal for their services. We wish everyone a happy August. You can contact us for all your digital marketing needs via our contact page.

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